And some April birthday shout-outs....
My BIL, Tommy, celebrated his 41st on April 18. Poor guy, who married into this crazy family, has been around longer than he has not. I certainly consider him more than just a BIL, he is my brother. This is an old picture from when Colton was born. But he has his eyes open so I posted it. Happy Birthday Bro!!

I love you KK!!!

My goofy little nephew Thomas turned 10 on April 22 and we just had his birthday party over the weekend. So glad I got to be involved this year. Happy, happy birthday Thomas.
Welcome to double digits! I love you Thomas!!

My Mawmaw also had her birthday this month, but I posted about it already. I went to go visit her in the "rehab center" (AKA the nursing home) the other day. I don't think she really knew who I was, but she sure welcomed a couple of pictures and even wanted to make ugly faces for one.

I don't want to have to remember her this way, all out of sorts. But I will tell one funny story. She thinks everyone at the nursing home is out to get her and is poisoning her. I must say, they are all very nice. They will walk by and say "hi" or "good morning" to her and she will smile and say "hi" back. Then turn to me (or whoever is with her) and whisper "bitch" with a mean look on her face. Not funny but kind of....can't help but laugh.

My sister gave Connor Nemo swim trunks and shirt for his birthday, but Colton quickly took it over (and put it on over his clothes). Connor then slept in it and wore it the next day. What is it with boys and a favorite outfit/shirt/boots/whatever? Are girls like this too? I don't fight it anymore, pick your battles and all.
(That is my Sister's FIL in the background. His grandkids call him cute is that)