Thursday, August 25, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

  • I am one tired mamma. I work 16 hours a week and it has beat me down. How do you working moms do it? I stand in awe of you!
  • I am so freaking tired of this heat and the 105+ temps that I could pack up and move
  • I really want to go shopping...for me!
  • I'm pretty sure I just got my hair cut but I want it cut again. Maybe I just want the attention. I know I just got it colored and it really needs it again. I swear everyday I have new little pokey white hairs. WTH?
  • I miss sleeping with my dogs, who are no longer allowed on any carpeted area of the house
  • I hate laundry, just saying

Not many thoughts today, my brain is fried! Hope everyone is doing well my friends!

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Ch,Ch,Ch, Changes

Summer break is coming to a screeching halt here in a couple of days, and I am finding myself very upset. Normally parents are counting down the days until that yellow bus makes it's stop at the end of the street again. But not me, I'm sad. Like take an extra zoloft sad!

Last year Connor went to pre-k at the elementary school. He already hung out with big kids. He knew kindergartners. He even has 2 first grade friends (now 2nd grade). This was suppose to be an easy transition for him, as well as for mom. The schools here have half day kinder. So, while I was disappointed that he wasn't going to be learning more, I was secretly excited to have him home one more year. However, I had arranged for him to go to a program at the little boys school 1 day a week. They have a K class the other half of the day. Christian did not go to any MDO last year. And that was hard on me to NEVER have a break. I'm not big on sitters. So I knew for my own sanity I could not go another year like that. So Colton is in preschool 3 days per week and Connor and Christian 1 day. That gives me 1 day a week for me (a few hours anyway). Then mid summer, the school announces we are having full day kinder. YAY for Con, BOO for me. It is hitting me hard.

And to perhaps add to my fear of changes.....I got a job. Now I am second guessing myself and my decision. I am going to be working at the little boys school. So it's only 3 days a week (15 hours) and they get to go with me. But I loose any me time I thought I was going to have. I thought I really wanted something to do (and to help with 3 college funds).  I am sad Connor is away and now I am losing 3 days with Christian.

Maybe this is all too much at once. Or more likely I am just being a big fat baby! My first born baby is practically off to college. And last night while at parent orientation at the my work they asked me if I would want to move into Christian's room, which means they would move him into the 2 year old room. WHAT?!?!? He can't be in the 2 year old room-I wish I was still nursing that boy.

There's my Debbie Downer story for you. Hope I didn't send you to the liquor cabinet for a drink, my friends.

How did you handle your kids leaving the nest?

Monday, August 15, 2011

Stormy Weather

The heat has been
 out of control
record breaking
non stop
Last Monday night some serious storms rolled through town
Praise God for the rain
OKC is in some massive need of H20

  I'm a storm sleeper
Slept through a tornado couple of years ago
But this one woke me up
And big mamma was a wee bit scared
OK a lot scared
From our bedroom on the top floor
we are in the tree tops
and the wind was blowing so hard
it looked like the trees were bending over to the ground
And the sky was glowing with lightening

I prayed for the Angels to protect my house
And they did
We had a lot of limbs down
But everyone else lost trees
big huge old trees
 the wind pulled my frog right out of the ground (above)

The top of the next door neighbors tree
blocked their driveway

A branch took out Mark's tail light

All the houses in the cul de sac lost trees
Fences were down
The main loop through our neighborhood was blocked by fallen trees
The movie theater across the street lost its roof
(no shows for me for a while)

The next morning all the neighbors were out cleaning up
We actually got to meet some we hadn't yet talked to 
The little old lady who lives next door
got in her car to drive the cove
There are 4 houses that make the circle
and she drove it
Old people are cute

The city said they would pick up storm debree for free
So our sidewalks are covered with piles of limbs
Mark of course could not stand the mess
He loaded the back of his truck and took it in
Our fallen limbs filled the back

Finally we have had a break in the triple digits
And another day of rain
Wonder if this crazy heat will mean a mild winter

Lots of changes happening for me this week
More on that tomorrow
Hope all is well

Friday, August 12, 2011

Boy Talk

It's been a while since I did this one and I must admit I have laughed lots at the things those crazy boys are saying, but I haven't been keeping up with them. So I will try my hardest to remember a few. Here goes....

Con-mommy, will you play Scooby Doo with us?
Con-do you have a purple dress you can put on?
Con-Do you have any color dress you can wear?
Me-No, I don't have any dresses
Con-Well you have your wedding dress, you can just wear that
Me-Let's just wear what we have on

Con-(after running back and forth on the sidewalk) I'm tired, all that jugging is wearing me out

Me-Connor are you ready to start Kindergarten? You will be going all day
Con-I don't want to go all day
Me-Why not?
Con-Cause then I won't get to spend as much time with you
(Melt my heart little boy)

Con-Can you take those boobie holders back tomorrow?
(On not wanting to go to the mall to exchange my new bras

Knock Knock jokes and "why did the chicken cross the road" jokes are big right now with the big boys
knock knock
who's there
banana who
banana pants
(loudest giggles ever)

why did the chicken move to the other chair
cause he wanted to sit there
(laughter heard for miles around)

you get the idea, but the joke telling can last for 30 minutes or more. At least the giggles make it worth while.

Christian is talking lots, in his own baby language of course! He tells me when he poops with dider (diaper)
He often gets tuck (stuck)
He always wants a nack (snack) and then a dink (drink) and then my my (more more)

Happy Friday my friends

Thursday, August 4, 2011

Thursday Thoughts

  • Not sure why I don't feel like blogging lately, it's not like I'm busy or out playing in this heat wave
  • I lost my MOT Y nomination today when sweet Chris took a backwards fall off the high chair this morning RIGHT in front of me
  • My house in a complete and total disaster and just plain dirty
  • The floors are being put in tomorrow (from where I ripped up the carpet a couple of weeks ago)
  • Said construction creates lots of dust, so I am waiting to clean until that is finished
  • I scrubbed my room and bathroom today and it took an hour
  • I hate unloading the dishwasher
  • Football season is almost here, uugghhhh, I won't see or talk to Mark until January
  • I like it when my kids say YES MAM, I have to bite my tongue when I hear other kids say YEAH or WHAT to an adult
That's it my friends. Life in OKC is nothing but HOT these days. I have been to more museums than I care to talk about. Christian is into EVERYTHING!!!!! Some times it's super cute, other times I want to pull my hair out and drink! There is 2 more weeks until school starts. I am ready for routine, but have not hated the summer like I thought I would. Connor's school was chosen to go to full day kindergarten. While he is ready for more learning, I was excited about having him around most of the day for another year. That means his official baby stage is over....bitter sweet!

Toodles my friends
