My sweet baby Christian is already 2 months old! He is already weighing in at over 12 pounds!

OK, so most of the pictures here he is sleeping, but don't be fooled. He only sleeps in 5-10 minute increments during the day. At night he is getting better, sometimes going 6 hours. But he has some stomach issues. This is the gassiest baby EVER!!! He can clear a room with his toots. And when he poops....holy Toledo, I have never smelled anything so freaking nasty!! What the heck is this kid eating? So if his stomach didn't hurt, he could probably do some serious snoozin'.

And don't get me started on the puking. Christian is the spitting up
est baby. I don't have a shirt left without stains, seriously!! But he just started some acid reflux medicine so it might help with the fussiness. Enough of my mommy bitching, he is a beautiful, healthy baby boy!
What a sweet baby boy! Boys are so much fun, and there's nothing like brothers! Congrats!
love it!! Christian and Buddy already have something in common. Stomach issues and acid reflux!
great on his sleep at night!
Liam has the same polar bear shirt! And Liam farts and spits up too. We should get them in a room together. He has been on reflux meds too.
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