Monday, January 23, 2012

Stroller Trouble and a Screwed Up Day

I am back in stroller shopping mode. I didn't really think I would be here again, but Colton is walking places now so much that it is not always convienent to have the big mamma double stroller. So I am doing my research and trying to find the best deal. I will use the single stroller for probably 2 years. I want to make the right decision, as I do with any type of purchase like this. So that in a year when I have buyer's remorse, I can be really pissed at myself for not "thinking of that" for whatever it is I decide I don't like about said item.

I think I just want a light weight umbrella style stroller. The down side to that is, they most have to handles instead of 1 bar. It's easier to push single handed in the middle of a single bar, instead of trying to keep it from going to the left or right if you are holding another child's hand or holding them on your hip.

That being said, I would love to get the single version of my double for that exact reason. But it is more than I wanted to spend. It's the baby jogger city mini and it runs around $200

Then I found at Target the Chicco light weight stiller. It folds easy but is still over $100. So if I was going to spend that much, I have heard great things about maclaren strollers. I actually found a brand new one, still in the box on Craig's list for $145. Still expensive, but 20% or so less than retail. But I am still with the 2 handle delima.

I also found on Craig's List a Peg (Aria) I don't even think they make this one anymore. It's on $50. It has a single bar for the handle, but unlike some Pegs, it does not have the "stand" on the back that another rugrat can stand on.

So should I go with the good name and cost efficient or spend more? I don't know why I have to make this such a big freaking decision.....

My screwed up day. I was going to take the little boys to Babies R Us this morning to test drive some strollers. Then I was going to call the Craigs list ad to see if I could look at that stroller. Then I had an errand to do at the mall. All this and be home for lunch and nap time. These boys need some serious rest and we have this test karate class this afternoon (ggrrrr). Then Colton reminded me it's Monday and I have a reading appointment at the elementary school. I do this every Monday, but last week was no school, the week before that Colton was sick and before that was Christmas break. So I was out of my routine and completely forgot. It's only 30 minutes, but it's right in the middle of the morning so that I can't do anything before or after!

Stroller advice please. Any new mommies out there, you might know of a new hip brand that I'm not down with....

Happy Monday


Dee Stephens said...

The reading thing is a big disruption! No idea on strollers

Carrie Darney said...

I love my macclarin...make sure the peg is not too heavy...I had the infant carrier for Hagen because it was the cutest (first baby...had to have the best looking) and it was HEAVY!!! Go test drive some with one hand...I think the cheap little ones stear the best, but there is no is a must!!

donatelli98 said...

I had a Chicco and a McClaren. The way the McClaren folded up the hood was always dirty - I hated that, though I liked the stroller because it had the highest weight limit. I loved my Chicco too and ended up passing it to a neighbor. Look and see how heavy of a kid they hold and keep that i mind ... you want something they will be able to use for as long as possible. What about this one|48022|90368&N=4045441&Mo=2&pos=3&No=2&Nr=P_CatalogName:BC&cat=63709&Ns=P_Price|1||P_SignDesc1&lang=en-US&Sp=C&ec=BC-EC5397-Cat48022&topnav=

Sara said...

I just have a big double stroller that we use, so I'm not real up on all the single strollers, but I have heard the McClaren's are great!

What about the Jeep brand?? I don't know anything about it, but they always look like they have lots of neat gadgets and whatnot. Might check it out!

Good luck!!

starnes family said...

I had the Peg Twin Aria and we ruined it. Didn't stand up to the Jack and Lainey duo. Normal kids might be fine with it, though.

Good luck!

starnes family said...

ps - Wish we lived closer. I'll be done soon enough with my Bumbleride and would love to give it to you!

The Soladay Family said...

I have been out of stroller mode for so long now that I have no clue about them anymore!'s been a long time!