I am just now getting a post up of our family visit, but (SHOCKER) I have had trouble with my computer. I promise to one day get it worked on!! Anyway, I flew into Memphis Monday afternoon and Mark drove in with the dogs on Tuesday. I know, seems odd to separate the family to go somewhere, but Mark thought it would be easier on everyone that way (OK mainly him so wouldn't have to deal with us for 8 hours in the car ha ha). My parents live in Mississippi now, just across the state line from Tennessee (where I grew up), and have several acres of land. My Granny lives there as well as my sister and her family. My parents have just recently moved my MawMaw in with them as her health has deteriorated and she can no longer live alone. The good part about all this is you get to see everyone you need to see and never have to go anywhere. It has been a fun week so far and we all get to be a little country (or redneck)!!

Lots of 4-wheel riding

And for those of you who are freaking out, like I once would, and thinking who puts small kids on a 4 wheeler and with out a helmet to make it worse....we go VERY, VERY slow and hold on to them.

Checking the bird feeder

All this land to run and play on and Colton prefers to sit in the garage and eat the dog food. OK truthfully I don't know if he was actually eating it or not but he was sticking his hand in the water bowl and then licking his hand...YUMMY!! Don't worry I washed his hands.
The dogs have a great time too.
Looks like everyone is having fun! What great memories for the kids, too. Enjoy!
Of course you know me.. I love the fact that you don't leave the dogs behind.
As for the water bowl -- Brad's nephew likes to do that too! yucko!
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