Thursday, December 11 was Connor's Christmas program at his school. The young one, toddlers and 3 year olds, were singing 3 songs. I did not know what the songs were. Every time i asked Connor he did not want to sing. That day I started singing Christmas songs and Connor knew the words to 3 songs (away in the manger, jingle bells, and Rudolph). I was so excited that he could sing and I had figured it out. However, that day, both Connor and Colton decided it would be a good day to NOT nap. The program was not until 7pm and at the Lenzer household, bedtime is 7:00. I knew it was going to be an interesting night.
Beth went with me to the church. We had to be there an hour early so it was pretty hard on Colton. Poor guy was so tired but it was loud in the sanctuary. But a few minutes after 7 the kids came in to get started. As soon as the singing began, Colton perked up and was clapping and giggling. Connor....not so much. He is not a performer (so much for him becoming a rock star and taking care of me). He stood there quietly the whole time. He did not sing a word. He did, however, pick his nose and pull up his sweater.
I loved it!!! I can't wait for more, but I won't hold my breath for any solos.
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