Our house has a LOT of tile! This could be good or bad. Good for little boys and their bikes, who have quite the path to drive around (far more than just around the kitchen island or table). Bad for ME who has to vacuum and mop it-almost daily. Even worse because it is white. Who in their right mind puts almost 500 square feet of white tile in a house??? Let me answer that....it would be a MAN. Did I mention it even has white grout, well it's suppose to be white grout. I recently had it professionally cleaned, even made then come back and redo it....such a waist of money. I should just have it re grouted or better yet ripped up! But the tile itself is a whole other post, I am getting side tracked now.
This is about safety and how the boys love helmets. Connor has to wear one when he rides his bike. The bike now stays outside, but the helmet always ends up inside. Colton has taken it over. Lucky for him, he is getting one for Christmas that is his size.

Good for you with the helmets. We have a rule....if it has wheels, you have a helmet on. That way, we don't have to distinguish between big wheels and scooters and trikes and bikes and Lord knows what else.
They are so cute!!!!!!!
The spiderman is the BEST!
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