This past weekend was quite a busy one for us. My SIL, Julie, and her family were in town as well as my BFF, Stefanie and her family. So we had lots of people to visit with, plus celebrate Father's Day, and I had an extra long shift at PB on Saturday night (with strict instructions to buy anything). Seven hours at a store without shopping-so not fun! Anyway, the weekend was a blast, and most importantly I think Mark enjoyed his Daddy Day!

Connor and Savannah (Stef's daughter) in a bubble bath. She started this with the boys several visits ago, and now every time we see them, Connor wants to take a bubble bath. Colton did not want to participate this time-which is good-he probably would have been lost in there!

Savannah swimming with the boys

Celebrating SIL Julie's birthday. Niece Sydney trying to hang on to Colton

Yummy cake!

Lots of swimming this weekend-Nannie's pool is very shaded or it would have been too hot to swim-imagine that!

Nieces Madison and Sydney took great care of the boys in the pool

Nanna and Pappa Lou enjoying the shade on Father's Day and getting to see 4 of their 19 great grandchildren.

So cute!

So proud he can say "cheese" now, plus he was being fed ice cream by Nanny

My little nephew (OK not so little-he's a chunker) Carson eating his first ice cream. He belongs to Mark's brother, Jon.

Daddy Mark and his 2 boys!

The family-(Mark's older brother and his wife were missing)
Little Brother Jon and his wife Charlene-son Carson 10 months
Big Sis Julie, hubby Kenan, daughters Sydney 15 and Madison 13
Me (the fat one), Mark, and of course Connor and Colton
Cute pics - hey I need to e-mail you a PBK order for your little cousin L if you don't mind ...
Great family pictures! I love time outside!
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