I am not a huge Oscar fan
I actually tend to find it
minus the first and last 10 minutes
But I am a girl
And I do loves my fashions
(hard to tell, I know, since I live in sweats and t's)
I actually had several faves this year
But my number one choice:

Halley Barry
Of course she could wear a freaking potato sack and look like a million bucks
in my opinion
Of course she has a million bucks
Kind of makes a big difference
I also loved the looks of
Hillary Swank
Reese Witherspoon (minus all the fake hair)
Mila Kunis
(I don't even know who this chick is)
Helen Mirren
And on a manly note-
Justin Timberlake
'course I would rock the cradle with him anytime
My worst dressed pick:

Gwenyth Paltrow
It was a little too "future-esqu" for me
And the super slicked straight hair
went with the outfit
but not formal enough for my taste
I also did not like
Nicole Kidman
Melissa Leo
Jennifer Lawrence
Scarlett Johansson
As far as the hosting goes
But I don't think they will be invited back!
Who did you like the best??
I love Gwen's look! She was my favorite!
I also thought Jen Hudson looked fabulous! Sandra Bullock's dress was too tight!
I didn't watch it - I was in bed! That's what happens when your alarm goes off at 4:30 am. I did love Halle, HIllary, Mandy Moore, Reese ... I liked Gwyneth.
I watched the last 30 minutes of it. I like to watch those those last few awards. I wasn't impressed with the hosting either ... not that I saw much. I didn't see too many dresses from top to bottom, but I did like Nicole Kidman.
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