Saturday, December 27, 2008

Santa certainly found his way to moms and pops' house for the Lenzer boys' Christmas. Connor received a parking garage, doctor's kit, and fire truck from the jolly ol' man. Colton got a slide, a ball popper, and an alligator xylophone. He was still a little too young to get into the excitement, but I will say the ball popper was a hit!! Thanks SC!
The last month, Connor has talked non-stop about Christmas. He was ready for Santa to come and bring him new toys. And I must admit I took full advantage of the "Santa threats". You know the ones.... if you don't stop that now, I'm gonna call Santa and tell him you are not listening to mommy. Boy do I love the holidays. Connor saw him twice, once at the mall and he also visited at his school. He was OK with him as long as he did not have to get on his sleigh.
Sissy, Tommy, KK, and Thomas came over later in the morning as well as granny and mawmaw. We had the traditional lunch(ham, dressing of which I am going to have to learn to make, green beans, mashed potatoes) and then the kids opened more presents. What a sight it was. I think Thomas and Connor had to be two of the most excited kids I have ever seen.
The last month, Connor has talked non-stop about Christmas. He was ready for Santa to come and bring him new toys. And I must admit I took full advantage of the "Santa threats". You know the ones.... if you don't stop that now, I'm gonna call Santa and tell him you are not listening to mommy. Boy do I love the holidays. Connor saw him twice, once at the mall and he also visited at his school. He was OK with him as long as he did not have to get on his sleigh.
Sissy, Tommy, KK, and Thomas came over later in the morning as well as granny and mawmaw. We had the traditional lunch(ham, dressing of which I am going to have to learn to make, green beans, mashed potatoes) and then the kids opened more presents. What a sight it was. I think Thomas and Connor had to be two of the most excited kids I have ever seen.
Thursday, December 25, 2008
Nanna & Pappa Lou

Tuesday evening Nanna, Pappa Lou, Uncle Bruce & Aunt Sara, Aunt Barbie & Uncle Jerry, and Uncle Bob came over. Connor kept Aunt Barbie busy for 2 hours coloring, playing cars, and doing puzzles. We visited, watched the boys play, and had a little bite to eat. It is always such a delight to get to visit with the Lenzer's.
Christmas party at Aunt Joan's
Mark's mom's side of the family got together at Aunt Joan's house on Sunday for lunch and a gift exchange. The food was good, the company was great!! It seemed like forever since we had seen everyone. We had a gift swap and we got a gift card for Cheesecake Factory...YUMMY!!! Yet it occurs to me now that I could have taken a gift and Uncle Les a an i-tunes card. Next year I'll remember ahead of time!!!
Christmas with Nanny
This year in our Christmas celebrations rotations, we will be spending Christmas day with my family. So we celebrated with Mark's family on Saturday evening. We went over to Nanny's house for dinner and presents. Jon and Charlene came over, and of course baby Carson (well it's not like they were going to leave him at home). I hope yall enjoy the pictures of him. My nephew is adorable and HUGE. He is 4 months and weighs as much as Colton. I just feel sorry for Nanny because here in a few months when she has all 3 at once, look out!!!! Connor, Colton, and Carson....that just sounds like trouble.
The boys had a great time. Well my 2, Carson can't really rip open presents yet. (Next year Char, don't worry). The presents were flying and toys were appearing and laughs and giggles were flowing. Of course Nanny hit the jack pot with a by-cle (AKA 4-wheeler) for Connor. He is already a pro at it. He holds the gas button down and around and around he goes. Luckily our house has a lot of tile and forms a circle going down the hall and around the kitchen. Aunt Char and Uncle Jon gave Connor some dinosaurs that were strapped in the box like they were gold. I think those are going to go extinct before we get them cut out. Who ever thought it was a good idea to put kids toys in the oxes like that with so many of those crazy twisty wore-y things?!?! I just don't get it. It was obviously a man, and not a mom!
Colton's toys were plentiful and great too. He got this Eeor (from pooh) who sings "if your happy and you know it clap your ears". Of course the ears clap!! It is too cute and Colton just giggles.
On Friday night Mark and I took the boys to drive through Deerfield neighborhood to look at all the Chrismas lights. Just this year Deerfield subdivision in Plano made it on The Today Show for it's light spectacular! It seems nearly everyone participates. They have horse drawn carriages that will take you through or you can just drive. We went early but there is usually a line to turn in to the entrance. For anyone who lives in the Dallas area, if you have not seen this, it is a MUST! We absolutely love the houses and would love to live in this neighboorhood. We better start some serious collecting of decor if we ever intend on making that dream a reality.Maybe we could do a Sooner theme. Some people just did the average lights in trees or down the pathway. The winner had a Santa there and the entire house covered in lights that you tuned in your radio to and the lights flickered to the tunes. What an amazing show.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Santa Clause
I took the boys to see Santa on Thursday. I had intended to go to the Galleria because that is where I have taken Connor the last 2 years and the Santa there is really great. Plus it is set up right outside of The Limited, bonus for mom!! We loaded the car after getting a late start, Connor was cranky, it was foggy and raining and to really make me look forward to the trip, the Tollway was moving at a snail's pace. So I bailed off and we went to Willow Bend Mall. Santa's workshop is set up like the Polar Express there. It even snowed on you while you were in line. We were #3 for the meet and greet but it was Colton's snack time. He could have cared less what was going on because he had his "ba ba" full of milk. We tried a couple of times to take it away for just a minute to get a picture and he wailed! Santa ended up pulling it out of his mouth right on Mrs. Clause's count of three, so the picture was snapped before a mad face could form. And just as quickly he returned the bottle. Something tells me he has lots of practice with such things. Connor did OK with him. He was not scared this year. He told SC that he wanted cars and trains. Good thing I coached him on what to say to the big man in red.
Gingerbread house
I wanted to do something fun with Connor in the kitchen, but since our Thanksgiving day cookies did not turn out so well I thought we should try something different. I opted for a gingerbread house, here on out to be referred to as the ginger-MAN house because that is what Connor calls it. The kit comes with everything you need.... the frame of the house, icing to make everything stick, and lots and lots of candy for decorating. Connor would eat a piece, stick a piece. Normally that would be alright. When you are 2 that equals HYPER. I put the house together and lined the roof with the straws (of sugar). Other than that, it was all Connor. He even applied some of the icing. So if the pictures are not proof enough, I will let you in on a little secret. I am (was) a ginger-MAN house making virgin. So pair me with a 2 year old hyped up on pure sugar sweet tarts and you get a not so cute house. First the turkey cookies and now this. I certainly do not live up to my maiden name, Baker. I have some practicing to do. To bad we only do this once a year. Connor will be a teenager before our projects look normal. For now I just have to worry about how to talk him out of wanting to eat it. But Connor did have a blast and that is all that matters. And don't worry, I won't be making anyone any birthday cakes anytime soon.
On Connor's last day of school this past Friday he made a Christmas tree out of an ice cream cone and green icing. It was cute, and looked much easier than the house we made. Why didn't I think of that one? He wanted to eat that one too. Mark came back in the house today after loading the car because he forgot something. Frisco had that "look" and his tail was tucked so far between his legs he could barely walk. Needless to say, the only thing left of that Christmas tree was a few pieces of the aluminum foil it was placed on!!! I guess I don't have to worry about Connor eating it now.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Friday, December 12

So we are driving home from school on Friday, all is quiet in the car. Then Connor says "mommy I have a penis". Before I could even respond we had moved on to what was for snack. That's my boy.
We did go to the park yesterday. It was absolutely beautiful outside. Just 2 days before that I was wearing a gloves, scarf, and the heaviest jacket I could find that would fit around my big fat butt!!! But that is a whole other issue that I don't really feel like rambling on about today.
Connor's Christmas Program

Thursday, December 11 was Connor's Christmas program at his school. The young one, toddlers and 3 year olds, were singing 3 songs. I did not know what the songs were. Every time i asked Connor he did not want to sing. That day I started singing Christmas songs and Connor knew the words to 3 songs (away in the manger, jingle bells, and Rudolph). I was so excited that he could sing and I had figured it out. However, that day, both Connor and Colton decided it would be a good day to NOT nap. The program was not until 7pm and at the Lenzer household, bedtime is 7:00. I knew it was going to be an interesting night.
Beth went with me to the church. We had to be there an hour early so it was pretty hard on Colton. Poor guy was so tired but it was loud in the sanctuary. But a few minutes after 7 the kids came in to get started. As soon as the singing began, Colton perked up and was clapping and giggling. Connor....not so much. He is not a performer (so much for him becoming a rock star and taking care of me). He stood there quietly the whole time. He did not sing a word. He did, however, pick his nose and pull up his sweater.
I loved it!!! I can't wait for more, but I won't hold my breath for any solos.
Sunday, December 7, 2008
New York

Mark and I went to New York/New Jersey this weekend. Mark's corporate office is located in Wayne, NJ and they were having their annual Christmas party this weekend. So for the first time in just over a year, Mark and I went away together, alone, for 2 whole days!!!! It was great. We flew up there Friday evening. Mark had spent the week in Canada and returned home Friday afternoon. He picked Connor up from school, changed out his luggage and we were off. We dropped Connor off at Bethany's house and then took Colton down to Beth's home for the weekend. Amy watched the dogs for us. Thank goodness for great friends and family, otherwise we would not be able to do anything. Anyway, we finally arrived at the hotel around midnight. We had planned on going into New York City for the day on Saturday before the party that evening. We parked the rental at Penn Station and took the train over. That was certainly a feat all on it's on, 2 virgin train riders (1 being a man who doesn't like to ask directions, haha). After you figure out which train to be on, who the heck knew there would be so many, and learned how to buy tickets out of the machine, it wasn't so bad. At least we made it there and back. Next time should be a breeze.
We planned to go up in the Empire State Building. In fact we took a cab over there, but the line was over an hour long, so we decided to put that on the list for next time. We did a lot of walking around just looking at all the buildings and thousands of people. I have never seen so many people in one place. I have decided i would never want to be there for the tree lighting or New Year's Eve. I like my personal space.
We thought we should go into Macy's while we there, just to say we had been there. It is a beautiful store all decorated for the holidays. And the most exciting part, the entire 1st floor is purses!!! But if you want to buy one, go online because there were so many freaking people in there you could not walk. Yet shoppers were coming out with bags. I don't know how they did it. If I were a local, that would make me so mad!!!
We did, of course, go see the Christmas tree. Last year on our visit the tree was there but not lit yet. It was beautiful!! That is what the picture is of, all though it does not do it justice. I will also point out that a family from New Orleans was there for the lighting ceremony last week, Katrina victims, whose new home, built by habitat for humanity, has the wood from last year's tree. I think it was used to make the living room floor. Could you imagine walking every day on a famous Christmas tree. What a story that would be to tell.
We did our socializing that night at the company party. I finally got to meet the people that Mark spends so much time with these days. It's nice to be able to put a face to a name. All during dinner, Mark was getting updates from Amy and his mom about the OU game. BOOMER!!!! It was a blow out. If you have to be out with Mark during an OU game, it is always good if they win. Then to top off the evening, when we went outside to leave, it was snowing!!! Living down south, we don't get that so often, so I was excited. I felt like a little kid even though it wasn't much.
Over all the weekend was nice. Next time I will certainly plan more and execute much better than this trip. I just hope it won't be a year before we get to go away again. Hint, Hint if anyone out there wants to volunteer to take on boys or dogs!!!
Last Week
Well I am still blogging. Is anyone impressed? I must admit though that I am not doing it as much as I would like. My life is very busy, but quite boring at the same time, so sometimes it seems I don't have much to "say". Which is so funny because I always have something to say. Can't you tell by the way I am just rambling right now?
So anyway, just to update everyone on what has been going on since Thanksgiving, is the last time I wrote. I spent the weekend at the Barn, that's Pottery Barn for any readers who have forgotten I work there on the weekends. While I do try to spend as little time there as possible, it was the busiest shopping weekend of the year, or so they say. And since business has been bad we did not hire a holiday staff so I had to work all 3 days. I don't mind it so much. It gives me a little break from the boys and gives them some great 1 on 1 time with daddy. Plus I get to talk to adults about fun decorating things. However I must confess that I tend to spend more money than I make, which doesn't' take much at all. This season the buyers/designers did a horrible job (or so I think but different strokes for different folks right) so I am not spending too much, Mark is at least thankful for that.
We had our typical week after that, school and errands and of course the never ending laundry. Where does it all come from. Maybe if i bought more clothes I could wash less because we would have more outfits to go around? That sounds like a good theory to me. I wonder if I could get Mark on board with that. Perhaps that should be one of the secrets a wife keeps from her husband.
So anyway, just to update everyone on what has been going on since Thanksgiving, is the last time I wrote. I spent the weekend at the Barn, that's Pottery Barn for any readers who have forgotten I work there on the weekends. While I do try to spend as little time there as possible, it was the busiest shopping weekend of the year, or so they say. And since business has been bad we did not hire a holiday staff so I had to work all 3 days. I don't mind it so much. It gives me a little break from the boys and gives them some great 1 on 1 time with daddy. Plus I get to talk to adults about fun decorating things. However I must confess that I tend to spend more money than I make, which doesn't' take much at all. This season the buyers/designers did a horrible job (or so I think but different strokes for different folks right) so I am not spending too much, Mark is at least thankful for that.
We had our typical week after that, school and errands and of course the never ending laundry. Where does it all come from. Maybe if i bought more clothes I could wash less because we would have more outfits to go around? That sounds like a good theory to me. I wonder if I could get Mark on board with that. Perhaps that should be one of the secrets a wife keeps from her husband.
Thursday, November 27, 2008

HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!! Today is not only Colton's 1st Thanksgiving but his 11 month birthday. I only have 1 more month to enjoy having a baby (and to loose the baby weight, crap better not eat for the next 30 days). I think I am beginning to get the birthday blues. But forget about that, this is a day for giving thanks. I am thankful for my boys, the big one and the little ones. I am thankful for my wonderful family that I miss very much. I am thankful for the wonderful family that I married into. I wish we could have seen everyone today. We went over to my mother-in-law Beth's house this morning. Connor, Mark, and Uncle Pete played football out back until the sticks became more interesting. Those darn sticks always take 1st place! But Uncle Pete needs to be ready next year when there will be 3 boys running around. Then we went over to Aunt Barbie's house for dinner with Nanna and Pappa Lou. It is always a treat to be with them. Connor played on the piano and he thought that was a blast. Pappa lou told me a story while Connor was tapping away at the keys. He said when Uncle Bob was little that he (pappa lou) told Nanna they should have named Bob Liberachi because he was the pee-ing-ist little boy! Get it....pianist/pee-ing-ist? I thought it was funny, hope any readers out there do too. That is why we all love Pappa Lou!! Anyway, since no one napped today, the boys were done by 6pm. In face Colton fell asleep in Pappa Lou's arms.
November 26
1st haircut
The day before Thanksgiving, normally a day of cooking and cleaning and of course the last minute Kroger-ing for most people. For the Lenzer boys it meant a day for haircuts. Connor was in desperate need of a trim, but for his little brother who has more hair than him, it meant his 1st haircut. Of course, while we there, I suddenly remembered that I wanted to find a new place for haircuts after Connor's last cut because it seems they only know 1 style at this particular great clips....short!!!! (just take a look at the after pictures). Connor, of course, did great. A sucker goes a long way in making a 2 year old sit still. For Colton, it was a different story, probably because he is too young for those darn suckers!! i just felt sorry for the lady trying to cut the hair of an almost 11 month old. He does look cute, even if his hair is WAY TOO SHORT across his forehead. I guess I like the hippie look as Mark calls it. I would attach a video of the haircut if I knew how to get the video of of those stupid little tapes. If anyone knows please email me!!
Tuesday, November 25, 2008
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