So here I sit, at 9:30am Sunday morning, in a quiet house. My parents and sister have loaded the minivan and pulled out of the drive way just a few minutes ago. The big boys (can't believe I will now refer to them as that but they do have new roles in life) have changed out of their jamies and are headed to the gym with daddy. Christian and I sit here alone, saddened. But it is me, the big baby, shedding the tears. All though Connor did cry pretty hard too. On the one hand I am ready to start my new reality, after 2 1/2 weeks of lots of help and extra hands. On the other hand, I am freaking out!!! OK, so it is helping a little that I turned on the TV to TBS to find one of my lover's movies on. Nothing can cheer you up faster than a little Texas accent of Mathew McConaughey. Mom who??? Just kidding, he's not THAT good!
Today will be the clean up day and trying to get settled and formulate some sort of routine in my mind that we will now follow for the last couple of weeks of the year. Then at the first of the year we, hopefully, will be back in our old routine that includes the gym every morning. This role of jiggle on my belly is making me more depressed. This afternoon we are hoping to do something outside and special with the kids, as it will be a nice day and the last one before we are back into our same ol' routine.
Wish us luck and keep us in your prayers as we all make the adjustments and "crazy mom" resurfaces again. I will post later on all our fabulous projects and special times over the last 2 weeks.
i cried and cried too after my mom and sister left....then had to put my big girl panties on and deal with it! and i only have one kid!!
You can do it! Start giving the 'big boys' chores and things to do in order to help out!
I love that....."big boys". We always refer to Jack and Lainey as the "babies." Funny what categories we put them all into!
Thinking about you.......email or call or text of whatever if you need me!
I am sending you lots of love from Phoenix! I so wish I could be there with you right now! You will do great and the boys will thrive! You are an awesome mom!! Keep me posted on the other stuff!! I love you so much Cous!!
Going from 2 to 3 was SO hard!! I don't think I ever got back to my "normal" routine!!! Plus my 3rd was my most difficult baby, too. :( She got up like 6x a night for the first 6 mo. of her life. She didn't even sleep through the night until she was past 1 yr. I think it could have been God's way of MAKING me be a tad bit more flexible??
Anyway, hope things go smoothly for you. :)
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