I'll give you 1 guess.....

My precious Colton, licking the brownie bowl. Guess we are washing hair tonight! We have to wash hair most nights because he is no stranger to putting a bowl on his head. This one just happened to bigger than his face. And besides, what tastes better than chocolate?

Making brownies is a favorite thing for us, well making anything sweet is fun. The bad news is, I am not loosing any weight this week since I have eaten half the freaking plate of brownies. I meant to cut them up and give them to the neighbors but just kept munching. What the heck? Hello....in my fatest pair of jeans I could find in the closet.

Measuring, pouring, and mixing is fun but licking is certainly the BEST part!

So Monday was my first day home alone and it was a bit hard. Christian always wanted to eat (nurse) when someone else needed something. But Tuesday (the brownie day) I kicked butt!
We were home all day together, just the 4 of us, no school or outings. Everyone ate and took quiet time.

Colton and I made a snowman art project. Connor missed out because he was pouting....probably from my slight melt down when we went into the arts and crafts room and I could not find the glue stick because the boys had been in there unsupervised and destroyed the room! Ok, so it wasn't a perfect day, but just keep reading!
Then we made brownies. I got 2 loads of laundry done. I vacuumed the entire down stairs minus my room (the vacuum is still out waiting for that task to get done). Then I steam mopped all the tile. I even cooked dinner, though I am not sure why since no one EVER FREAKING EATS! I even got the kitchen cleaned up after dinner. I saved my marriage for one more day. The house looked like a tornado had come through on Monday and my dear Mark did not even say a word. I know he was dying on the inside.

Ok, so it really helped that a package arrived via Fed Ex earlier in the day with a gift for the boys. I did not even open the gift for them (it was for becoming big and bigger brothers) just gave them the box. The box saved me for 2 days....gotta love the basics!

For 1 day this week, I was super MOM! The rest of the week, not so much. I am still trying to fold that darn laundry. Haven't cooked or cleaned the kitchen again. The vacuum is still out, unused. Mark finally tossed the box. But I am proud of that 1 day!
Cute mail project!
cute baking pictures. YOu are a ROCK STAR!
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