We were invited to 3 Christmas parties this season, and they were all on the same day....Sunday!
The first was the annual Bond family brunch. I work with Denise at Pottery Barn and am proud to have been added to the invite list a few years ago. I failed to take any pictures at this party though. I had my hands full and truth be told, we couldn't stay long. We had to get everyone home for a nap so we could continue partying.

We had a white elephant adult gift exchange there. We got a Nordstrom gift card, yeah! and the cutest snowman!! Always fun to see who is going to steal from each other at this party. The sisters, their spouses, and adult kids can be pretty ruthless....which makes it more fun! It was great to see everyone. It's been too long!

This is a shot of Mark in his waiter uniform....dork!! But that's why I love him.

Connor is rockin' out pretty hard here

Then there is the arrival of Santa. All the boys and girls gather round to sing and hear a story. Such a special treat
Notice Colton's hand on Connor's leg. So Sweet. This happened several times along with a head layed gently on the big brother's shoulder once or twice.
Colton receiving his gift from SC-some SpiderMan crap
Connor getting his video game

This year Santa also brought his sleigh and Vixen the reindeer. Unfortunately when I went back out to visit and take pictures they had left. Next year I will be more on top of things.
It is truly a fabulous party, all of them were/are. I look forward to them every year. Hard to believe Christmas will be over in 1 more day. Until next year....
what an awesome party for kids! love tha Santa was there and how cute is Colton with his big bro?
Got your card! LOVES it!
Can't believe that Santa and your fabulous parties!
Awesome.....so much fun.
Just caught up....love that Christian resembles you. He's precious! Merry Christmas, Jann. So happy to read about your family.
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