Anyway, had my check up today....still pregnant! Everything is right on track, growing nicely ( in more ways than one). I am not going to share the magic weight gain number, but it ain't pretty. God help me come December.
I have to take the glucose test next visit, so I was sent home with that nasty drink. Let's all pray that it comes back normal because I am not sure I can give up my sweets. Well, that might not be so bad, could help with the weight management.
I scheduled the birth for the day before Thanksgiving. So baby C should make his arrival on November 25th around 8am (assuming there is an operating room available). I will let you know if I have to change the date.
I am still feeling great-best pregnancy yet. I am sticking to my workouts 5 days a week which I think has been the key. It is definitely keeping me from exploding in size (I am telling you I get BIG). The only flaw so far is I have officially hit the non sleeping point. I cannot get comfy. I am a side sleeper, so much so that I am practically on my stomach. Not anymore. So I toss and turn all night, which makes me have to pee more. The year of no sleep has begun!
Weird coincidence - LAD is having surgery for that on Friday - it is called a herniated belly button - outpatient procedure. The surgeon says the recovery is really easy with kids but a little harder with adults.
When you say schedule that means you're having a section?!
Ya'll will be having one heck of a Christmas!
Didn't Elaine have that surgery?
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