Last week we went to a swimming birthday party in the evening for Nathan (4) and Cody (2).

One afternoon we went to the mall. I had to get something so we just made an afternoon of it. Lots of moms had the same idea. It was far more crowded than normal, especially for an afternoon.

Friday was Cow Appreciation Day at one of our fave's, Chick Fil-A! If you dressed up like a cow you got free food. I had intended to do a great costume, but forgot until the morning of....silly me. So I did the quick, make-shift outfit of a white t-shirt with cut out black, construction paper dots taped on. Hey at least we got free food.
Well, I had a picture of Connor with the CFA cow, but I hit something and it disappeared. No biggy, I had the cows head off in the picture anyway!
Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I am kind of in a funk. My mind seems to be in a million places right now and by the time the boys go down at 7-ish I am wiped out. While I may not be physically tired, mentally I am drained. I am hoping my blah moods will pass soon. However, so far this week, no such luck. The heat is not helping. I hate being stuck in this house with no other adults to look at or talk to. And with parks and free places out of the question, we don't have much of a choice.
I hate summer! Who are these people that enjoy the heat?! Don't listen to me.....I'm such a debbie downer when it comes to the temperatures.
Oh, and you're totally forgiven.....hope your mood changes soon!
ummm...I am Connor's godmother, Linda is Colton's :)
Hi, again! I found your card in the mail this morning. Made my day! Thank you so much. It really did mean the world to me. Just when I think I'm the worst mom ever! :)
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