The July 4th weekend has always been a favorite of mine. As a child it was a gauruntee we would go camping (in a camper not a tent-we weren't that into roughing it) at the lake and stay out on the boat until the gas ran out. Some day I would love for kids to experience that. I don't think Mark is much of a camper and boater, but perhaps I can persuade him one of these years. Mark was off on Friday so we spent a few minutes outside with the boys (it didn't take me long to start melting) and then we went to Chick Filet for lunch. What's more American than that, right?

We also made messes, ummm I mean watered the plants

Took a little "whale" swim

Colton sweating it out in the playground with the cute little buildings-this one is the train station

Saying "cheese" for me
On Saturday, I was suppose to work at PB but they canceled my shift. Luckily I was able to attend the William's annual July 4th party (I must say for the very first time). And it was a blast. We did not get to stay for the fireworks since our boys have never made it to 9pm! But the few HOT hours we spent there were fantastic.

The big boys played horse shoes

We posed for pictures

The little boys played washers (I guess that's the name of the game)

We ate-well some of us did. Connor was too busy to eat but not to worry, I had enough for both

We sat and thought about the true meaning of the holiday

We played in a bucket of melted ice, just as good as swimming. We did get the boys in the pool before all the big kids got there, but I didn't get photos of that!
Connor has been really into flags the past few months. He knows the Texas flag, the USA flag, and of course the McDonald's flag. He calls out EACH AND EVERY one we pass every single car ride. Do you have any idea how many "Sited Sates of America" flags there are out on July 4th weekend? Uuummm, about a million!!!! They were coming so fast that he couldn't even finish saying the name before he was seeing another one. All I can say is God Bless America! (But I am secretly proud and impressed that the guy knows 3 flags, even if one of them is for the Golden Arches).
awww! love that he loves his flags! Yes, I'm all into being on the lake for the 4th as well. ;)
hey! The wedding will be inside since it's in Feb.
I got voted out on the candy bar. My Mom thinks people won't eat it and Brad thinks it's a waste of money as well.
Maybe I could have a signature drink? Like a cosmo? or a Ruby Red Slipper? Something red and fun :)
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