Colton has learned to take his diaper off, so now I have 2 boys who love to be naked. The only problem with that-1 of them is not potty trained. I have cleaned up pee, and yes poo!

Thirsty anyone?

Colton will go through an entire box of tissues just wiping his nose and tossing them

Monday night and Daddy was home, a special and rare treat!

This is how most of our days are going lately. The mattress was bare because I was doing laundry. I was sitting out in the playroom and the boys were in here (Connor's room) playing. I kept hearing a funny noise. When I asked him what they were doing he said jumping on the bed. I told them to stop, it obviously landed on deaf ears. I continued to hear the noise. I thought they must have been playing with cars on the walls while jumping on the bed. I finally went in there to find the mattress off the box springs on the floor. The noise I had been hearing was them on the box springs. How the heck does a 3 year old get a mattress off the bed? It's not crazy heavy, but it's not exactly light?!?! BOYS!!!!!
OMG! too funny! I can't believe they got it off the box springs!!
I was telling Brad about your boys and how the one took a poo-poo outside..
he about died laughing.
Again, at least you know your boys won't be pansies!
And just think...the 'fun' has just begun. I can't see what all THREE of them are capable of in a couple of years!!!
Oh my I would have been nuts - but I guess you were probably too tired to get too upset!
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