He is named after Mark's grandfather, Louis. We call him Pappa Lou, so it only seems natural that Connor's middle name has been shorten from Louis to Lou as well.
With his 4th birthday just days away, I may (just may) be seeing the light at the end of the terrible,torturous threes tunnel. Only time will tell, I suppose.
The things he says these days keep me laughing. And sometimes I have to try not to laugh in front of him. Here are just a few examples....
I gotta go poop. (To Colton) You wanna come watch?
I asked Connor what kind of cake he had at a birthday party the other day.
Little pony-tail
(It was my little pony)
We haven't been here in a long, long time ago
me-Do you mean a long time?
No, a long, long time ago
And his latest (in the bathtub)....
my booty has balls
my booty has balls
he then lays back with his feet practically around his neck and says
see, my booty has balls and I can play with them
(as he is holding and squeezing his man parts)

We are still very much into Spider-Man. He still wears his costume, DAILY. Only now, he has added red socks on his hands as part of the costume. And sometimes it is worn with BatMan boots. He is a confused Super Hero. Of course Colton is into everything and anything Connor is into. So most of the day all I hear is the "spu" sound of the boys spinning their spidey web. If they are not doing that, they are fighting (play fighting). I guess some things just come naturally to boys. I am having a hard time understanding transformers and star wars and fighting in a cage (???- I think wrestlers?). Unless Mark lets them watch things that I don't, I have no idea where they get it from.
1 comment:
Love the poop and pony-tail! Too funny and cute! So glad you're documenting it all!
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