Tuesday, September 29, 2009
Which is Worse?
Baby Names
We have Connor Louis (Louis after Mark's grandfather) and Colton Lee (Lee after my dad). The middle names were a compromise we made before Connor was born. So it seems we have already started the "CLL" initials. My goal is to continue with the chees-y factor. Plus anything monogrammed can just get passed down. I am not thinking too hard about names because both boys were named after birth. I do like to meet them to be sure the name fits.
We were pretty set on Parker or Preston for Connor. And Colton had a list of our top faves and Colton was not on the list. All though we fought over it, I was not a fan of Colton. Of course now I could not imagine it any other way.
Mark really likes Christopher William for this one. I like the name, but it is very traditional and Connor and Colton are not. So I will argue that one. William was his dad's name, so while I respect that, it messes up our same initial game. I have offered Liam as a middle name, which is Irish for William. He is not sold on that.
I do have 2 favorites myself, which I am not sharing. It's not that I don't want anyone to know. I just know my husband. And the second I say them he will shoot them down. So I am keeping those to myself for just a bit longer. Though I do secretly talk to baby C and refer to him in a special C (non-Christopher) name!!
But I am willing to hear (read) any and all suggestions for a C and L names!!!!
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Baby C Update

I say 8 weeks because, hopefully, everything is being scheduled for the day before Thanksgiving, Wednesday, November 25! I have not heard back from the nurse, so at this point I assume it is all a go. It could still be pushed out until the Monday after Turkey day, which would be ok too. It's just when it gets that close, it is the sooner the better. Plus if it is before Thanksgiving, I will have more people who can help with the boys since I would be in the hospital over a long, holiday weekend. If it is after, then family will have to take off work to help. My mom will come, but I would rather her be here when I am home from the hospital to help me.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Let's Take a Little Walk

Trick or Treat

Monday, September 21, 2009
A Bit about Me
1. What time did you get up this morning? 7am and not a minute sooner. In fact Connor came down to wake me up-what a great way to start the day, but I hope noone needed anything last night because I don't think I would have heard unless it was during one of my 14 potty breaks.
2. How do you like your steak? Medium.
3. What was the last film you saw at the cinema? Is it sad to say I can't remember? I am pretty sure it was at Studio Movie Grill with Amy, but I can't remember what we saw. It must not have been that great.
4. What is your favorite TV show? Grey's Anatomy in the fall, Army Wives in the summer
5. If you could live anywhere in the world where would it be? I would love to live in lots of places-by the ocean, in the mountains-but as long as I have my family with me I can make it
6. What did you have for breakfast? a bowl of Special K and skim milk-mmmm tasty!
7. What is your favorite cuisine? Mexican.
8. What foods do you dislike? beets and wierd animal parts
9. Favorite Place to Eat? on a patio (but I love to eat at my parent's house too-they always make my favorites)
10. Favorite dressing? Snuffer's ranch (great,now I will be craving it)
.11.What kind of vehicle do you drive? Tahoe
12. What are your favorite clothes? Tshirt and jeans-usually these days I could live in my gym clothes (and I do)
13. Where would you visit if you had the chance? Anywhere- I love to go places-but for sure want to Italy and Hawaii
14. Cup 1/2 empty or 1/2 full? Mostly full
15. Where would you want to retire? With a mountain view
16. Favorite time of day? 7:30pm...kids snoozing good
17. Where were you born? Collierville, TN
18. What is your favorite sport to watch? none, they take too long
19. Bird watcher? Only at my parents house, they have lots of cool birds right outside their windows
20. Are you a morning person or a night person? right now neither-normally a night person though
21. Do you have any pets? 2 dogs-Precious and Frisco-anybody want a dog?
22. Any new and exciting news you'd like to share? I'm pregnant!
23. What did you want to be when you were little? A pilot
24. What is your best childhood memory? Weekends at the lake
25. Are you a cat or dog person? Dog
26. Are you married? I wear a ring and I think his name is Mark-but I can't really remember what he looks like...miss you M
27. Always wear your seat belt? Always!!
28. Been in a car accident? A few.
29. Any pet peeves? Tons...but I will say people who are driving (or attempting to) while talking on the phone and eating, smoking, or anything with their 2nd hand besides holding the wheel
30. Favorite Pizza Topping? Olives, but these days canadian bacan and pineapple
31. Favorite Flower? Hydrangeas
32. Favorite ice cream? good ol' vanilla
33. Favorite fast food restaurant? Which Wich
34. How many times did you fail your driver's test? The drivers test-none, but the permit test-at least once, maybe twice
35. From whom did you get your last email? Haven't checked this morning but I am sure I got 42 overnight from people offering me viagra
36. Which store would you choose to max out your credit card? Pottery Barn for my house, Nordstrom for me
37. Do anything spontaneous lately? Please!!
38. Like your job? Very much. But, very upset with my part time weekend job
39. Broccoli? Yes, please.
40. What was your favorite vacation? The wedding cruise 2005
41. Last person you went out to dinner with? Connor and Colton and Chick, of course
42. What are you listening to right now? The boys drive their big wheel and 4 wheeler around the house
43. What is your favorite color? Red.
44. How many tattoos do you have? None
45. Coffee Drinker? No, but does Mountain Dew or Coke count?
What time did you finish this quiz? 7:45am (and now I am running late) but I started it yesterday during dinner....I suck!
The Last Day of Summer-and updates

The wedding.
Wednesday, September 16, 2009
- Bought a new garage door today since it literally fell apart. Thank goodness it was when I was closing it after backing out instead of trying to leave or just getting home. It was 11-12 years old and already being partially held together with a 2x4 board.
- $800 does not get you much in the garage door world-plain, unpainted, non insulated, bottom line door (just like the one we had). Who the heck sets the prices for this crap?
- I should probably really look into purchasing that home warranty that Marky-Mark cancelled since we keep having to replace things at full price.
- I could probably loose 10 pounds, quickly, if I would just stop finishing the boys plates. I think about this as I finish a hot dog and spider man shaped mac & cheese.
- I love the rain. I don't want to make a road trip in it, but running errands and such doesn't bother me. In the spring time it smells so fresh. And this time of year it is a nice break from the heat and makes it feel like fall. Plus I don't have to pay to water the grass.
- I really despise Kate Gosslin, and her hubby (ex-hubby) is even worse. I will not watch anything she is on or read anything about her. He was so wrong for cheating. I don't believe in it no matter the circumstances. But I don't feel sorry for her at all. She has obviously chosen money over family, and that gets to me in a bad way.
- I can watch some tacky shows. But I HATE the Atlanta housewives. They are by far the worst set of 'em. Have you ever seen anything so trashy or fake? Are they so lonely or have such a lack of self confidence that they are forced to have nothing real on their bodies, air out all their dirty laundry on TV, and act like hoodlums? Craziness I tell ya!
- Still fell asleep during Jay Leno, so it is not the time slot. Must just be him.
- If my computer were any freaking slower, I could hand write this stuff and mail it out.
- Do "they" purposely build electronics to only last a year-computers, cell phones, etc? I think so. Especially cell phones. It's how they get you. Then to get a new one, you have to renew your 2 year contract. It's a vicious cycle. I just had to threaten to leave At&T to get an upgrade before my upgrade time. It would have been cheaper for me to cancel my contract on both our lines and go elsewhere than to purchase a full price phone. They helped me out, but it's a real shame that it had to be like that.
- My email was messed up a few days ago and when it was finally back to normal, it's gotten of control. The junk email that is. I used to get 10-20 junk emails a day mostly from drug companies. Now 4 days into the week, I literally have 841 emails in my junk folder. I would say 95% from online pharmaceuticals. What the heck? I have opened another email account but I have not started using it yet because I have had the same email address for years. I am not a big fan of change, plus it really irritates me that I would have to do such a thing.
- You should NEVER give out your email address to a company. Obviously tons of them sell the information to people who want you to enlarge your penis!
- If I could afford anything I would have a full time housekeeper. Oh no, maybe I would have a daily sitter/nanny from 4-7pm. That is the hardest part of the day. I turn into evil-mom.
Well enough ramblings for now. Maybe it was more of a vent session, but either way I am through for the time being.
Duty calls!!!
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Budget Busters and Meal Ideas

Thursday, September 10, 2009
Labor Day Weekend
In other words we had a travel free, hot weekend that included a swim, but doubtful it is the last. Technically there is still 2 weeks of summer, and hopefully not too many more weeks of heat. I am ready for a cool breeze.
We kept it pretty low key around the house. Mark had his fantasy football draft on Thursday night and golfed on Friday. The boys and I just played outside some-in the early morning hours 'cause it was warm!
Saturday was the first college football game day of the season. Mark went to the new Cowboy Stadium to watch his fave team-OU. Yikes...I won't even mention how it went because it still a sore subject here.
Sunday I spent the afternoon at PB working.
Monday was low key as well. We always go to Chuy's for lunch with friends on the holidays. The boys were in the middle of a very good, and well needed nap, so I stayed home with them and sent Mark to lunch. After nap, I filled up the whale pool and the boys took a dip.
OU loss aside, it was a great weekend, even if it was a little boring. Next time I will at least try and get some grilling in!

Sunday, September 6, 2009
Crazy Thought
With Connor I did go into labor 10 days early. My water broke in the middle of the night, and I just know it was from that raspberry tea I drank. But he was breech so I had to have a C-section. With Colton, I was given the option. I did not necessarily want to have the surgery, but he was due January 6th and I really wanted him in December. Mainly it was for insurance and tax purposes, and quite frankly 40 weeks is just too long!
Now with number 3, you don't have an option-it must be a repeat C-section. But since this is my last and there is no risk of going into the new year, I was thinking why schedule it? Why not let my body go into labor. There is just something about the unknown and the excitement about thinking "is this it". Now I know that when it gets down to it, I will be so ready to just get this baby out (the 40 weeks is too long thing)-and right now he scheduled 10 days early. I don't know if I could make those last few days.
When I told Mark about it, he thought it was one of my dumbest ideas yet! He is probably right, but that moment is so GREAT! I can't even choose the words to describe it.
I need opinions-schedule it the smart way or wait it out.
August Wrap Up and Random Thoughts
So I am quite behind in posting on my blog and reading all my favorite ones. My email has been messed up, and for the past week every time I turn on my computer, I have been screwing around with that and NOTHING else. The good news is, I think it is back to normal. The bad news is, I have a dozen post ideas that are floating around in my head. I am trying to get back into a good blogging rhythm. These pictures are all kinds of out of order...sorry.
Football season has started, as everyone knows! For me, that means less time for me and lots more time with the boys-ALONE-as Marky-Mark has new priorities. But I will save that bitching, as I have an entire posts worth of complaints on that single subject.
So the past week and a half we have had some decent temperatures here in DFW. A few days of the low 90's and a day or two of only the upper 80's!! That meant lots of outside time for us. I am so not a fan of the heat and while it still hot, it is very nice in the mornings right now, so we try to take full advantage of it. Let me just say, I can not wait for fall to officially arrive.