The last day of summer has officially arrived...hallelujah! And it felt like it here, in the 90's and sunny. Tonight the cold front/rain comes in on the area. Kind of exciting because tomorrow it should feel like fall (if they got it right).
Our weekend involved a kids night out at Nannie's house and an adult night out at a wedding. It was also filled with lots of work for me and travel for Mark. But it also meant sleep for me. I slept until 8:15 Sunday morning with a quiet house. I have not slept that long in 4 was nice! Thank you MIL!
Connor has decided on Spider Man for his Halloween costume. And he wants to wear it constantly. He is a "cool" Spider Man (his words, not mine). He goes back and forth from Peter Parker to Spider Man. It has a full face mask, which concerns me a little. There was a costume with only a half mask, but he would have nothing to do with it. They want what they want, right?

Even Spidey gets time out occasionally

Colton just trying to play trains by himself without anyone taking away. It doesn't matter how many trains you own, or even how many of the exact same freaking train (or any toy for that matter). They always want the exact one that the other has.

Colton was satisfied with the Spider Man helmet.

We went to Chick last week and the cow was out. The boys would not leave him alone. And Colton said "cow" about a hundred times. Could never get him to say it before, can't get him to say it again. But he knows it. I wonder how many other words are just sitting in that little head of his waiting to come out. The doctor does not think we need to worry to much anymore with speech delay anymore. I did ask ask the cow #1-if he babysat and #2-if he had any other animal costumes he could throw on so I could see if Colton could speak more. I think he thought I was wierd.

Been on a lamp mission for weeks for either the boys room or the baby room. I did not want to pay PBK prices. Even with my discount, it will still cost about $60 for a lamp. I have been looking everywhere. Finally the other day I saw this at Target. They must have just gotten it in, as I am there every other day and have not seen it. You pull the whistle to turn it on. On each side of the shade is a different sport and the base is a bat. It goes great with Connor's sport-themed room. So I moved his lamp to the baby's room. Lamp problem solved!!
The wedding.
My dear friend Cherri, whom I worked with at the Limited and Pottery Barn, got married this weekend. She was truly the one we all thought would never get married. She always said she was perfectly happy just dating her (now) hubby forever. But she did it, and looked beautiful!
Congrats CJ!!!
Me and the bride

The ceremony was outside and what a perfect day for it, especially after 2 straight weeks of rain
The Limited gang
Me, Cherry, Nyna, Desiree, and Yuvi
Love the pictures! My observations:
* Spidy in the back on top of a chair?? Where Colton has the Spidy helmet on? too funny!
* Love that lamp! what a cute idea for a kids room!
* Of course, they had the Texas vs. TX Tech game on at that wedding reception! That's why I would have never talked Brad into a fall wedding. Football season..never
Also, did hubby go to the Cowboys game last night? My rents flew in for it from ATL and were so bummed out at the ending...
Great pics and yes they want what they want! You look good cousin! Hope you are feeling well!
Love Spidey in time out. Priceless.
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