A few months after Connor got his big boy bed I debated long and hard on bedding. I wanted to get him something that would last, from a quality stand point, and that would grow with him. I went with a sports quilt. I had yet to get him a comforter and shams to go with it. I had just not wanted to spend the money. However I was tired of looking at his incomplete room. I had been eyeing a khaki comforter from Target so I took the boys Christmas money and was going to get it and a bedskirt to finish up his room. When I went to work a couple of weekends ago I bought the shams to match the quilt. When I picked up Connor from school on Friday we were headed to Target. I even brought one of the shams to make sure everything matched. We went first down the kids room DIY isle at Connor's request. BIG MISTAKE!!! He spotted a Cars, the movie, comforter. The he found the Cars sheets, the nice polyester sand paper sheets. I tried to reason with him for 20 minutes. I offered to buy him a Cars fleece blanket, also there on the isle looking so small in size, that he could carry around on the couch or when he visits moms and pops if he would just get the nice comforter to go with his very nice, very expensive quilt that mommy debated on for months!! He never threw a fit or acted ugly but he knew what he wanted and he was a persistent little fellow ( a trait that will do him justice later in life I know). About that time, another lady walked down the isle and said to me "you're never going to win this one". I knew she was right. So the quilt goes in the closet for later or who knows maybe Colton will use it.
So we left Target with a cars comforter, a bedskirt (which I think I will exchange for a different color-not loving it on the bed) and sheets. At least we were able to get more for less.
We came home and put the comforter on the bed-it was love at first site, for Connor not me. I told him we had to wash the sheets first. That took some convincing but he helped me load the washer. Then he literally paced the laundry room...is it time yet? is it time yet? Everytime the washer changed cycles (and there is a slight pause) he thought they were done. The drying must have felt like a lifetime to him. Finally the bed was made-he went to bed at 6pm!!! The cutest part was I could not throw out the cardboard picture that comes in the plastic bag with the comforter. He slept with that for 2 nights.
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