Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Spring Break Day 2

Spring Break Day 2 was kind of off to a slow start...
Connor woke up at 5am crying and screaming. I took off for the stairs thinking he had fallen out of bed, thrown up, or had a nightmare. The answer is D-none of the above. He had changed clothes, now trying to put on the 3rd outfit, and couldn't get the pants on right. So he came down to our bed,but it took him a while to fall back asleep. He ended up on the floor nestled in the pillows. I did have to give him so medicine because he was coughing quite a bit and has a stuffy nose. Say a prayer it doesn't get worse. I don't know if I can handle another sick child.

We did make it to the gym as usual then lunched and napped. The day was beautiful yet again, so after our trip to the grocery, I opened the back door for playtime. Colton still has that baby wobble and I love it!

Next we made brownies. We had talked about it all morning, but had to wait until after we went to the store because we needed eggs. Connor was so excited about the eggs. The last time he had anything to do with eggs was last Easter....maybe he thought we were dying the egg first?

He was actually "reading" the box to me.
Connor-"It says we need a egg and a bowl and chocolate"
Me-"It does?"
Connor-"Yeah, egg first. I'll do the egg"

Ok, so letting the toddler mix too-probably not such a great idea. How much chocolate is bad for dogs? What you can't see in the picture are the dogs cleaning every powder drop right up. At least I won't have to mop!

I may regret this. Not so much the mess, I can deal with that. The sugar/chocolate high and then crash may be another story.


The brownies turned out OK. A little mushy but good. I'll just call it extra moist. I had a picture of them on here, but got a little fast with the delete button -you can visualize can't you?

1 comment:

donatelli98 said...

Thanks for the comment on facebook - I so appreciate the offer. I will probably just come back on my own and Dennis will stay here with the girls. We will see. Looks like you and the boys are having fun!