OK, so it wasn't my party, but I did shed a little internal tear. It was Mark's birthday last Tuesday and he was out of town so we had our family celebration on Thursday. I made chicken enchiladas (using a recipe I got from Rhonda because hers are so stinking good you would never want to eat out again). I also made a cheesecake and we had an actual family dinner! All of us eating together is truly a special treat given Mark's work and travel schedule. (I always sit to eat with the boys because I think starting those important family values now can only strengthen our relationships. But all of us together-I LOVE IT!) I was so excited about dinner and the gift. We got Mark some golf balls and a gift certificate to play some golf. I feel like he never gets anything from me that is just about him. The boys and I worked all afternoon on our dinner and dessert.

Ok so I burnt the top just a little, but I thought they were great...not near as good as Rhonda's of course, but pretty good for my first time. Mark ate a couple of bites and said "these are good" and it was followed up by "different, but good".
And ego deflated!!!!
I heard-thanks for waisting your afternoon and I hope you like them because you will be eating the leftovers. Which I did, all though he did eat a couple too. I know he did not mean it in a negative way. He's just not that into food, unlike me who can savor flavors and crave a great meal.

My cheesecake, however, did suck. At the last minute the boys and I ran to Kroger and grabbed a cupcake, just big enough for the 4 of us. It wasn't that great either.

Good thing everybody loves icing

This weekend it was our nephew Carson's 1st birthday party. August has been a busy month for us with party's and we have 2 more this weekend.

Carson is so cute and chunky-you could just cuddle him up. He weighs more that Colton who is 9 months older.

Carson and daddy Jon, Mark's little brother

Connor and Pappa Lou enjoying some cake
OH, they look delicious! Send me the recipe!
Yes, send it to me too! Love me some enchiladas but haven't made them in a long time!
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