Or any flower....that's what we did at the Arboretum on Thursday

Connor-Yeah, is that like the mall?
He must of thought I said Galleria-he kept calling it that all day. That ought to tell you where we spend too much time. HA!

There were several story-book houses out, each one went with a different fairy tale (I guess uncommon ones because I had never heard them before). It must be a summer thing because they were set up where the pumpkins usually are in the fall. We don't spend much time at the Arboretum when it's 500 degrees outside so I am not sure if this was a special this year or an annual thing. I was not so impressed with the houses and quite frankly, neither were the boys. They ran through them very quickly. Connor wanted me to take a picture "about him" sitting on the bench-above.

This one had a fantastic garden though....

This okra was huge!

Below is the spot where Jon (Mark's little brother) got married in 2006. It is one of my personal spots in the garden. It is so beautiful and peaceful with an excellent view of the lake. There are several paths off this area that are not accessible by stroller, unfortunately. This would be the place to go if you wanted to write, draw, pray, or just sit and think.

I threw in this old picture. This is what Connor wore to Jon and Charlene's wedding. He was about 6 months old. This is part of the reason I love this spot in the Arboretum. It brings back such sweet memories. Sometimes I have to go back and look and pictures like this when Connor is wearing on my patience. It usually helps. I mean just look at it, how could it not!

too cute. Esp. that baby picture! We had okra like that in our garden growing up!
I love the Dallas Arboretum.....lots of cool stuff there. We saw some similar houses just before we moved.....not sure how they rotate them.
They have a beautiful "autumn" (pumpkins) show with lots of mums and then a fun holiday one, too....complete with reindeer and carriage rides! Check into it if you're interested. It's so my kind of venue for kids.....lots to discover and tons of room to run!
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