We have never been to Sea World and were not sure what to expect. I had asked the hotel concierge about drinks and snacks. So we had a lunch box of water and my back pack was full of snacks. Of course there was a sign at the entrance gate about no outside food or drinks and bag checks. So Mark and I stood out there fighting for 5 minutes fighting about this. He knew this was going to happen and now he was going to have to be the one to walk back to the car (we paid the extra $5 to park close). So he took everything back and you know, all day long I saw people with water bottles that were not from there and bags full of snacks. So all you Sea World go-ers...what's the story? Can you take in stuff or not? I want to know for next time.
But before the little scene we (OK I) caused we bought our tickets. We did have a coupon, but Mark did want to stand in line, instead he wanted to use the kiosk which did not accept coupons. So it cost us over $140 to get in (I wanted to say Connor was still 2, but Mark is obviously more honest than I am). It's suppose to be the happiest place on earth, OK so that's Disney World, but they are like cousins in the theme park world. It is so freaking expensive that most people won't get to enjoy it, certainly not on a regular basis. I guess if you lived there and had a season pass it would be worth it. Also, having been a last minute trip with lack of research (and being first timers ourselves) I was not aware that there was a whole water park section. We could have brought our suits and had a ton more fun. The boys would have loved that. Instead we only got to partake in half the action. Next time right?!
With all that being said....it was great. The boys loved seeing the animals, and truth be told so did I. Seeing how the whales and dolphins interact with humans is mesmerizing to me.

So I feel like I sound like Debbie Downer. We really did have a great time. Most people don't know this about me (because I don't talk about it) but I stress about money all the time. I guess it's because I don't make any ( my PB paychecks don't count as money, they hardly exist). So spending so much money in one day...scary. I was constantly figuring our per hour cost in my head, all this on top of starting the day off with a fight. I would not have traded it for anything, except maybe cooler weather. I know the boys won't remember the trip, but they learned things that will be with them forever. They both learned about some animals and hopefully a little bit of family value.
I am so there with you - worrying about the cost of everything - I was just mentioning that today to D as we are watching the ocean from our cheap condo! Just try to relax and anjoy it as much as possible b/c it all goes too fast and you will regret worrying about it later!
I TOTALLY feel your pain. You may or may not remember my post from a few months back when Brad and I ventured to the local theme park for fun. NOT! I was so annoyed by the cost(retarded), the heat and the lines.
Disney is one thing.. but other than that.. not a fan of theme parks. AGain, except for Disney..they just don't seem worth the $$$ unless you have season passes and pack your own food!
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